Turquesa Consulting

Conectando Brasil e Turquia em experiências únicas e personalizadas para negócios e lazer.

pink flowers are blooming on the branches of a tree
pink flowers are blooming on the branches of a tree
a close up of a green plant with lots of leaves
a close up of a green plant with lots of leaves


Estamos conectando o Brasil e a Turquia, oferecendo experiências personalizadas e inesquecíveis para sua viagem de negócios ou lazer.


Rua Exemplo, 123


Seg-Sex 9h

Galeria Turquesa

Explore experiências únicas entre Brasil e Turquia que encantam.

a close up of a pine tree with a blue sky in the background
a close up of a pine tree with a blue sky in the background
a tree with purple flowers and a blue sky in the background
a tree with purple flowers and a blue sky in the background
a close up of a palm tree with a blue sky in the background
a close up of a palm tree with a blue sky in the background
a close up of a palm tree leaves
a close up of a palm tree leaves
the branches of a tree with purple flowers against a blue sky
the branches of a tree with purple flowers against a blue sky
a tree with purple flowers against a blue sky
a tree with purple flowers against a blue sky